Handcrafted WordPress Themes

Our themes are powering websites for top realtors, restaurants, chefs, hospitals, clinics, politicians, stores, bloggers and everyone in between.

Sales 31,987+
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Sales 3,954+
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Sales 4,701+
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Sales 437+
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RealHomes is number-one selling real estate theme in WordPress themes market and it contains almost all the features a standard real estate agent could need. It is frequently updated with new features and improvements based on customers feedback.

Trusted by 58,534+

happy customers and this is what they’re saying

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  • digital8

    I rarely leave comments for things, I'm usually just too busy. However I'll take the time for these guys - if you are considering a real estate theme, I highly recommend Real Places. It was so easy to get everything set up. One day design and I was done and ready to hand to client. Very intuitive, fast loading and it had just about every feature I could want straight out of the box. I didn't used Visual Composer, though it is available. It wasn't needed. Awesome job guys, well done.

  • shootmanagement

    This is one of the best themes we've worked with. There's no sly marketing and false claims (as we've recently experience with another real estate theme); as far as we're concerned it's a five start theme!

  • sheridanqt

    AMAZING! Real Homes was the first theme I downloaded and I thought the other themes would be just as easy... NOT! Inspiry Themes is first rate and Real Homes theme was perfect for what I needed. So slick - made me look like a pro. I wish they had a theme for everything! From the install to the changes of this theme were a breeze! Thank you Inspiry!

  • k4tie

    Excellent theme, all the functionality you could possibly need and fantastic support, I can't fault in anyway. Regularly updated too, thank you.

  • 3-Story

    You are the man! I've not had many themes that offer REAL improvements and additional features with updates. Yours is at the top! We had done customizations at the beginning for these features, and now they're built in. :) Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!