Introducing a Modern and Mobile Friendly Lightbox in RealHomes
ReaHomes now comes with a new lightbox that is modern and mobile–friendly. We have removed all existing/old lightbox plugins.
The newly introduced lightbox plugin is lightweight and is perfectly suited for both mobile and desktop browsers. It supports touch gestures and pinch gestures for zooming. It also supports video sites like YouTube, Vimeo, and maps like Google Maps and OpenStreetMap.
Property Images

By clicking on the camera icon on the property card, you can view property images in a gallery along with the thumbnails. These images are loaded through Ajax after the click. It will render and show the full-size image while the other images are being loaded.

Property Video

By clicking on the play media icon on the property card, you can view property video in the lightbox.

Property Location on Map

By clicking on the address link you can view the property location on Map.

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